

Welcome to Horticultura Garden Coaching and Design! Growing up with two generations of horticulturalists before me, I have always felt most comfortable in the garden.

I have been working professionally in the industry for 15 years, progressing from weeding and watering to maintenance, installation and design. Along the way, I have learned from the best, both employers and clients.

I earned my certification here in Victoria at the beautiful Horticulture College of the Pacific, and I expanded my plant knowledge and technical skill further at Kwantlen College, on the mainland. Nature is of course the best life-long teacher.

My passion is to bring people into their gardens in a very personal way. I believe our “outdoor rooms” are just as important as our indoor ones. Whether you are looking to create a new space or need some guidance in caring for your existing one, I am here to help.

how i help

You could be getting your feet dirty for the first time, or perhaps you are a seasoned gardener yourself. Maybe you are looking for a few garden care tips, or a detailed seasonal maintenance plan. You may have an area that needs some new life, or a whole garden to design and plan.

I work with clients every step of the way, with all their garden needs.

For larger projects, or work outside of my scope, I partner with great local contractors.

Initial Consultation

In our initial consultation, we will walk around your garden and discuss your needs, ideas, and preferences. I will ask key questions and take photos, and answer any immediate questions you may have. From this brief meeting, we will determine what next steps to take.

Garden Design Session

  • Look at photos of plants, hardscape and other materials
  • Use sketches to give an idea of concepts
  • Discuss preferences, ideas and styles
  • Decide on plant combinations and garden layout

Maintenance Coaching Session

  • Work side by side with you in your garden, demonstrate pruning, weeding and seasonal maintenance
  • Talk about plant care specific to your garden
  • Show you which tools and techniques work well in your garden
  • Provide you with step by step instruction
  • Determine tasks you will handle yourself, and those better completed by a professional


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What my clients have to say

about me

I worked with Heidi through her business on a major landscaping and rehabilitation project for the flower gardens on our farm. Heidi completed a full assessment of what was required, always in consultation with me, and after providing me with a written design and costed action plan we proceeded with the project in stages over several seasons.

– Catherine, Central Saanich

When we decided to renovate the gardens, Heidi did the design work, chose the plant varieties, incorporated them with the large trees we have and then planted the garden beds. To this day we still get many compliments on our beautiful yard and lovely house presentation.

– Lynda, View Royal

Heidi has provided us with excellent advice in plant selection and garden design, ensuring that our garden is well maintained and attractive in all seasons. We continue to value and enjoy working with Heidi, who takes great pride in her work.

– Valerie, Oak Bay


250.889.0817 – heidi@horticultura.ca